Now available from Cerilliant - Naloxone N-oxide Certified Solution Standard.
Naloxone N-oxide, 100 µg/mL
100 µg/mL in 1:1 Acetonitrile:Water
Naloxone N-oxide is an impurity in pharmaceutical drug formulations of naloxone as well as a potential naloxone urinary metabolite. This certified solution standard is suitable for numerous LC or LC/MS applications from pharmaceutical testing and research to clinical toxicology or forensic analysis. Naloxone, sold under various trade names including Narcan, Nalone, and Narcanti, is an opiate drug used to counter the effects of opiate overdose such as those involving heroin or morphine.
Coming soon, Cerilliant will introduce new opiate Certified Spiking Solutions® of the internal standards 6b-Naltrexol-D3 (N-081) and Norcodeine-D3 (N-082).
Cerilliant Certified Solution Standards and Certified Spiking Solutions are manufactured to the highest industry standards. We are accredited to ISO 17034 and ISO/IEC 17025 & certified ISO 9001.