Cerilliant introduces a Certified Spiking Solution® of the cocaine metabolite Cocaine N-oxide HCl
Cocaine N-oxide HCl
1.0 mg/mL (as free base) in Acetonitrile
Cocaine N-oxide is a recently identified metabolite of cocaine that readily degrades to cocaine and norcocaine on GC/MS due to the compound's sensitivity to heat. Testing laboratories are developing LC/MS methods for screening and quantitation of this metabolite to monitor cocaine use in matrices such as hair. Since this cocaine metabolite is listed as a controlled substance by US DEA, we provide this reference standard as a DEA-exempt solution for added convenience.
Coming soon, Cerilliant will also introduce the internal standard Cocaine N-oxide-D3 HCl (C-120) at a 100 ug/mL concentration.
Cerilliant Certified Solution Standards and Certified Spiking Solutions are manufactured to the highest industry standards. We are accredited to ISO 17034 and ISO/IEC 17025 & certified ISO 9001.