Cerilliant Certified Solutions
Solutions Prepared in the Lab from Neat Materials
Stability over time
- Years (>5 years for some materials)
- Real time stability data used to establish shelf life
- Flame sealed amber ampoules protect from air, light and changes in concentration
- Inert gas displaces oxygen prior to sealing
- Weeks-Months
- Stability data has to be collected to support use
Lot to lot consistency / reproducibility / accuracy
- Gravimetrically prepared using balances calibrated with NIST traceable weights -
all weighings with ≤0.1% relative error
- Reduced analytical variability from time to time and across locations through consistency
and accuracy of standard preparation
- Prepared using validated processes to ensure accuracy and homogeneity
- Neat materials fully characterized and standard concentration properly adjusted
for chromatographic purity, residual solvent, water, and inorganic content
- Gravimetric addition of solvents eliminates inaccuracies resulting from changes
in material density and use of visual read lines on volumetric flasks – balance
tapes provide traceability
- Sealed ampoules protect from concentration changes
- Frequent smaller weighings may not be sufficiently accurate due to the sample size
and relative error of the analytical balance – minimum 25mg weighing necessary on
typical 5-place balance
- Multiple lots increase potential for variability
- Often prepared volumetrically – use of class A volumetric glassware has higher relative
error than 5-place analytical balance
- Volumetric preparation increases variability without environmental controls due
to temperature impact on material density
- Volumetric preparation introduces subjectivity due to visual read lines
- Potential for concentration changes during storage due to evaporation of solvent
or precipitation of analyte
Convenience of use
- Snap-N-Shoot® | Snap-N-Spike®
- Multi-component solutions for complex analysis/system suitability – fast and easy
- DEA / Health Canada exemptions available easing use, storage, and distribution challenges
- Uncertainty and traceability information included on COA to support regulatory requirements
- Weigh and dilute, store or dispose of remaining
- Regulatory paperwork for DEA controlled materials
- Uncertainty values to be determined based on preparer’s equipment, processes and
Efficiency/cost of materials
- Large batches are preserved in small single use format
- No waste of neat materials
- Less material required over time
- Frequent weighings – more transfer loss and more risk of contamination of bulk material
- Larger weighings necessary for accuracy create larger batches that may go unused
due to short shelf life - material wasted
- More frequent preparation – more disposal